Bikini: Everybody Knows, 2017

Game show, 4/11/18 November 2017

Game by Gregor Bändli, moderation: Edgar Eckert, curated by Benedikt Wyss

„Everybody Knows“ replaces the rules of society with the rules of a game. The arrangement: a TV studio with a rotating stage, a circle of chairs for seven players, a 360-degree camera, a presenter, a referee, a live-band, the audience.

Photo: Motitz Schermbach, Bikini Basel

«Everybody Knows» ersetzt Umgangsformen durch Spielregeln. Die Anordnung: ein TV-Studio mit Drehbühne, ein Stuhlkreis für sieben SpielerInnen, eine 360-Grad-Kamera, ein Moderator, das Publikum.
"Everybody Knows" replaces the rules of society with the rules of a game. The arrangement: a TV studio with a rotating stage, a circle of chairs for seven players, a 360-degree camera, a presenter, the audience.

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04.11.2017 - 19:00
Info-Event Info Event

11.11.2017 - 19:00
Vernissage / Spielabend Opening / Games Night

18.11.2017 - 19:00
Finissage Closing Party

Bikini Space Basel
Voltastrasse 41
4056 Basel

RonOrp News

The Holy Mountain/La Montaña sagrada
Alejandro Jodorowsky

Supported by:
Deli Projects
Christoph Merian Stiftung