Dreispitz: Draisine 5, 2020

Sports-art happening; Saturday, 19 September 2020
Publication: Draisine, Christoph Merian Verlag 2020

With Cheval fou feat. HGK (Louise Bozelec & Fabio Sonego), Clovis XV (Anastasia Bay & Julien Saudubray), Daniel Karrer & Alexandra Meyer pres. by Museum Tinguely, Denkstatt Sàrl, Filip Van Dingenen (Waldburger Wouters), Groto & Naim x SALTS, Gundelikids (Zickezacke Hühnerkacke) supported by Offcut, Hotzenwald Baderkönigin, Klara Hobza (Waldburger Wouters), Leihlager – Kaufen war gestern!,, Chaos (Mellow287 pres. by Offcut), Herbie (Michi Stalder & Reto Brügger), Multipodia (Brendhan Dickerson), Tagesschule Kummerland, Klasse E. Mahlzahn (Babu Wälti)

Co-directed by Benedikt Wyss and Thilo Mangold. In collaboration with Christoph Merian Stiftung, hosted by Offcut, with Bravo Ricky. Past editions with deuxpiece Basel, Dürst Britt & Mayhew Den Haag, HeK Haus der Elektronischen Künste, HGK Acamedy of Art and Design FHNW, Kunsthalle Basel, Kunsthalle Tropical, Kunstmuseum Basel, Lago Mio Lugano, Museum Tinguely, SALTS Birsfelden a.o.

What is a Draisine? We really don’t know.
The Draisine Derby (Draisinenrennen) was initiated in 2016 as a sports-art happening for Basel‘s former industrial freeport Dreispitz – to turn the area on the outskirts of the city into a meeting zone. Craftsmen, art institutes, pubs, construction companies, a Hindu temple – tiny to huge enterprises hustle and bustle in a confined space, and little happens between them. Where can diversity be activated? On rails. With the conviction that sporting events do not have to be commercial and unaesthetic. It is not only speed that is rewarded. In addition to the audience prize, an award for the most beautiful failure will be presented, and as the main prize, another 1,000 francs for the jury award. To celebrate the 5th derby, Christoph Merian Verlag is publishing a large-format photo book with video app.

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Application/Anmeldung: Everyone is invited to register for participation in the Draisine Derby Anmeldeformular/Participation form. We are supporting the participation of three artists with 1,000 Swiss francs each. Application: Project outline 1,000 characters + CV/portfolio (PDF) by 30 June 2020 to benedikt.wyss@me.com. German, French or English. Announcement: 15 July 2020.​

Nicolas Gysin